Feast your eyes with these cakes.....

I chanced upon this site through a news article. I wonder how people come up with these ideas. It’s a cool site which lists pictures of cakes which are ‘wrecks’ and also funny…

Some of them are hilarious; some make you think how people can be so foolish… You can spend a long time browsing thru these photos I am sure you will not feel bored. Great stuff…

Readers can submit their cake wreck photos and the site is pretty popular as we can see from the comments and submissions… Comments run into hundreds… And there is also a book. 

Not all cakes are wrecks some are exceptionally made…
A must visit for all those who love cakes and also those who don’t….

Here are a few samples…(all the photos courtesy cakewrecks site)


The Son and Heir would love the spongeBob one. But Ben10 is what our man wants. So if you have any Ben10 cakes lemme know,
qatar foodie said…
hey u shld check out that site its damn good..